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Enchiladas with deep-fried gherkins

  • 30 Minuten
  • easy
  • 4 Persons


For the sauce:

1 carton of tomato passata (400 g)

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp flour

1 tbsp butter

1 tsp salt


For the minced meat:

500 g minced beef

1 large onion

2 cloves of garlic

A pinch of salt

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 squirt of chilli sauce

2 tbsp sunflower oil for frying the meat


For the deep-fried gherkins:

Oil for frying

1 jar of Hengstenberg sandwich gherkins (370 ml)

235 g flour

2 eggs

235 ml milk

1 tbsp paprika, ground


The beginning

Sauté the flour in the butter and then gradually add the tomato passata. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Add the oregano, cumin, cayenne pepper and sugar, and then cook the sauce on a low heat, stirring regularly, until it is smooth and creamy.

Ingredients: flour, butter, tomato passata, orgeano, cumin, cayenne pepper, sugar


Frying the meat

Peel and dice the onions. Heat up the oil in a large frying pan and add the minced beef and the pressed garlic cloves. Add the seasoning ingredients and then cook slowly on a medium heat.

Ingredients: onions, beef, garlic, oil


Preparing the gherkins

Take the sliced sandwich gherkins out of the jar with a fork and leave them to drain well on some kitchen roll. Pat them dry on both sides.


Make a batter in a bowl using the flour, eggs and milk. Add the ground paprika and a little of the liquid from the gherkins.

Ingredients: sandwich gherkins, flour, eggs, milk, paprika


Deep-frying the gherkins

Heat up the oil in a pan.


One by one, dip the slices of gherkin into the batter, making sure that they get completely covered in batter. Once they have been coated in batter, immediately put them into the hot fat and deep-fry them. When they are a lovely golden brown colour, they are ready. Lay them out on kitchen roll to drain off the oil.


Keep a few deep-fried gherkin strips on the side for decoration.


Tip: If you like your gherkins even crispier, you can deep-fry them several times. If you want to do this, be sure to let them cool first before putting them back into the hot fat.



Ingredients: sandwich gherkins


Preparing the enchiladas

Grate the cheese. Unroll the tortillas on a board. Spread the meat and cheese diagonally across the centres. Add some deep-fried gherkin slices. Roll up the tortillas and put them into an ovenproof dish. Pour over the tomato sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Ingredients: cheese, meat, gherkin