• #Gherkins

Burger Gherkins

Juicy slices for burger enjoyment

The burger has made a real triumphant advance in recent years. Meanwhile burgers are available in countless variations - there are no limits to creativity.
Our Hengstenberg burger gherkins are always a delicious ingredient between the bun halves. They are pre-cut into crisp round slices for extra convenience, pickled in a spicy herb stock and seasoned with fine dill. Just open the jar, take the slices and put them on your burger. Delicious!

Nutri Score B

Nutrition information

  • Vegan
  • Lactose-free by nature
  • Gluten-free by nature
  • Free of preservatives


Gherkins, spirit vinegar, sugar, salt, dill, mustard seeds, herbal extracts, spice extracts, colourant riboflavin.

Allergens according to Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011, Annex II: Mustard / Mustard products

Nutritional values

Per 100 g
Per 100 g
119 Kj / 28 Kcal
< 0,5 g
of which saturates
< 0,1 g
5,6 g
of which sugars
5,5 g
< 0,5 g
1,2 g

Size & Packaging

Jar with 370 ml / 12.51 oz.

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All about gherkins

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All about gherkins

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Gherkins on a trailer.